C. Ladies, wear fishnet performance stockings. – There are a few manufacturers of quality dance fishnets. Capezio & Danskin are the industry leaders. Find your size, and appropriate color. If any part of your legs are going to be exposed, they need to be in fishnets. When they are not in fishnets the audience will be spending more time looking at your legs wondering why they aren’t in fishnets than they will spend watching your performance. If it’s a hot show they will say “That was a good show, why didn’t she wear fishnets?!” If the show sucks they will say “Well I figured it was going to suck, she wasn’t even wearing the right tights.”
You will find these fishnets at your local dance supply shop, or online. Of course it’s usually cheaper online, once you know your size. You will probably not find them at the mall, drugstore, or halloween costume supply. You may find fishnets, but finding the proper dance fishnets is unlikely. There is a difference. Do not go on stage bare legged, and do not go on stage wearing nylon pantyhose. No matter how beautiful and toned your legs are, it will look like a hot mess. Make the proper investment, and you will be more confident on stage. Get an extra pair, they are durable, but of course Murphy’s law applies when it comes to rips and runs. Be prepared.

D. Gentlemen
Shirt – A well designed shirt will button between your legs, or be attached to a pair of shorts. It’s like a onesie. This shirt cannot come untucked during your performance. If you must wear a “regular” shirt, then use a shirt garter to keep the shirt in. Few things are more distracting than an outfit coming apart during the performance.
Pants- Invest in a pair of proper ballroom pants/slacks/trousers. They will cost you between $75 and $300, and once you put the right pair on, you will instantly look and feel like a better dancer. They generally have no pockets, no belt loops, and they will have a permanent crease in the front and back. They are wrinkle free. They will come up slightly above your belly button, helping you to look trimmer, while keeping your shirt properly tucked in. Some come with foot elastics that keep the pant legs from rising up.
Socks – Wear Socks that match your pants. There will inevitably come a time where you forget to pack the proper socks. To avoid this, I usually keep the socks inside of the shoes that I’m going to wear for the performance. Or better yet, pin the socks to the inside of the pants.
Now, if you find yourself performing in pants that are not proper, at least take the following precautions:
Have NOTHING in your pockets. Not a cell phone, not a wallet, not your house keys, car keys, lip balm, etc. Make sure that your pockets are completely empty. Cut the pockets out so that you don’t have the fabric showing beneath the pant leg. Seal the pockets if you can, with a needle and thread so that you don’t want to have your pocket liner flip out while performing, and you can also avoid getting a finger caught in the pocket while dancing.
Maria Ramos, international instructor and performer offers this tidbit regarding your presentation:
Hair and makeup need to be taken seriously. Men & Women can reduce the shine on their face with powder. If your hair is supposed to be up, make sure that it stays up and in place. Gel, hair spray, mouse, bobby pins, all of the above. Get it right, get it tight!
Hello Dasha,
If your video camera does not offer .5x playback, you can import the footage to your computer and make use of tools for that. I usually record with an iPhone, and then review on the computer. I can slow clips down with Final Cut, I’m not sure if iMovie has the same options. Will check it out and get back to you.
There are some iPhone apps that will allow you to slow down recorded video (check out ubersense coaching if you are on iOS 6)
What software is convenient for slowing down the video to 75%? Thank you!